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2025 Topic based syllabus for jamb(UTME) Government

Jul 29 2024 3:37:00 PM


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Government syllabus for Jamb

Welcome to poscholars website!. Before you succeed or call yourself a success, there are certain philosophy you must abide by. Take for example the 'philosophy of knowledge' is one great tool you need if you must succeed. It entails being informed. Am glad you landed on this post because you will be highly informed.
The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Government is to prepare the candidates for the Board's examination. It is designed to test their knowledge in Government. with a view to determining their suitability for placement in institutions of higher learning in Nigeria.
It might interest you to know that some of the course objectives for Jamb Government are to: appreciate the meaning
of Government, analyse the framework and specify the institutions of Government;
I have grouped the topics in Jamb(UTME) Government syllabus into sections so that you can easily navigate to the one you are interested in. I sincerely implore you to study the topic one by one and make sure you understand it very much because Jamb would not set questions that does not reflect in the syllabus. You see, your jamb Governent syllabus is just like a map that can help you navigate into success. Here are the table of content
Table of Contents
  1. Part 1: Jamb syllabus for Government - Elements of Government
  2. Part 2: Jamb syllabus for Government - Political Development in Nigeria
  3. Part 3: Jamb syllabus for Government - Foreign Policy and Nigeria Relationship with the International Community
  4. Part 4: Jamb syllabus for Government - International Organizations

Part 1: Jamb syllabus for Government - Elements of Government

1. Elements of Government
  • Basic Concepts in Governance:
  1. Power, Authority, Legitimacy, Sovereignty;
  2. Society, State, Nation, Nation-State;
  3. Political Processes; Political Socialization, Political Participation, political cultures
  • Forms of Governent: Monarchy, Aristocracy, Oligarchy, Autocracy, Republicanism, Democracy-Definitions, features, merits and demerits.
  • Arms of Government:
  1. The Legislature-type, structure, functions, powers;
  2. The Executive - types, functions, powers;
  3. The Judiciary- functions, powers, components
  4. Their relationships
  • Structures of Governance:
  1. Unitary - features, reasons of adoption, merits and demerits
  2. Federal- features, reasons for adoption, merits and demerits
  3. Condederal - features, reasons for adoption, merits and demerits
  • Systems of Governance: Presidential, Parliamentary and Monarchical
  • Political Ideologies: Communalism, Feudalism, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Nazism.
  • Constitution: Meaning, sources, functions, Types-written, unwritten, Rigid and Flexible
  • Principles of Democratic Government: Ethics and Accountability in Public Office, Separation of Power, Checks and Balances, Individual and Collective Responsibility, Constitutionalism, Rule of Law, Representative Government
  • Process of Legislatin: Legislative Enactments - Acts, Edicts, Bye-laws, Delegated Legislation, Decrees
  • Citizenship:
  1. Meaning , types;
  2. Citizenship rights;
  3. Dual citizenship, renunciation, deprivation;
  4. Duties and obligations of citizens;
  5. Duties and obligations of the state
  • The Electoral Process:
  1. Suffrage - evolution, types;
  2. Election -types, ingredients of free and fair election:
  3. Electoral system - types, advantages and disadvantages of each;
  4. Electoral Commission - functions, problems
  • Political Parties and Party Systems:
  1. Political parties - Definition, organization, functions
  2. Party systems - Definition, organization, functions
  • Pressure Groups:
  1. Definition, types, functions and modes of operation.
  2. Differences between Pressure Groups and political Parties
  • Public Opinion:
  1. Meaning, formation and measurement
  2. Functions and limitations
  • The Civil Service: Definition, characteristics, functions, structure, control and problems

Part 2: Jamb syllabus for Government - Political Development in Nigeria

2. Political Development in Nigeria
  • Pre-colonial polities: Pre-jihad Hausa, Emirate, Tiv, Igbo, Yoruba
  1. Their structural organization;
  2. The functions of their various political institution
  • Imperialist penetration:
  1. The British process of acquisition - trade, missionary activities, company rule, crown colony, protectorate;
  2. The British colonial administrative policy-direct and indiriect rule:
  3. The French colonial administrative policy-assimilation and association;
  4. Impact of British colonial rule-economic, political, socio-cultural;
  5. Comparison of British and French colonial administration
  • Process of Decolonization:
  1. Nationalism - Meaning, Types:
  2. Nationalist Movements - emergence, goals, strategies;
  3. Nationalist Leaders - Herbert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Obafemi Awolowo, Ahmadu Bello, Ladopo Solanke, Aminu Kano J.S. Tarka, Tafawa Belewa and others;
  4. Emergence of nationalist parties;
  5. Influence of external factors
  • Constitutional Developmet in Nigeria:
  1. Hugh Clifford Constitution (1922)
  2. Arthur Richards Constitution (1946)
  3. John Macpherson Constitution (1951)
  4. Oliver Lyttleton Constitution (1954)
  5. Independence Constitution (1960) Their features, merits and demerits.
  • Post - Independence Constitutions: 1963, 1979, 1989, 1999 - Characteristics and shortcomings
  • Institutions of Government in the Post-Independence Nigeria:
  1. The Legislative - Structures, functions and workings
  2. The Executive - Structure, functions and workings
  3. The Judiciary - Structure, functions and workings
  • Public Commissions Established by the 1979 and subsequent Constitutions: The Civil Service Commission, the Public Complaints Commission, Electoral Commissions, National Boundary Commission and others - objectives functions and problems
  • Political Parties and Party Politics in Post-Independence Nigeria:
  1. First Republic
  2. Second Republic
  3. Fourth Republic - Evolution, membership spread, structure, etc
  • The Structure and Workings of Nigerian Federalism:
  1. Rationale for a Federal System:
  2. Tiers of government and their relationship;
  3. Creation of states - 1963, 1967, 1976, 1987, 1991, 1996;
  4. Problems of Nigerian Federalism - census, revenue allocation, conflicts etc. solutions e.g the Federal character, etc
  • Public Corporations and Parastatals:
  1. Definition, types, purpose and fuction:
  2. Finance, control and problems;
  3. Deregulation, privatization and commercialization - objectives, features, merits and demerits;
  4. Comparison between public corporations and Parastatals
  • Local Government:
  1. Local government adminstration prior to 1979;
  2. Features of local government reforms (1976, 1989) - structure, functions, finance and inter-governmental relations;
  3. Traditional rulers and local governments;
  4. Problems of local government administration in Nigeria
  • The Military in Nigerian Politics:
  1. Factors that led to military intervention
  2. Structure of military regimes:
  3. Impact of military rule - political, e.g creation of states, introduction of unitary system (Unification
    Decree NO. 34) etc. economic, e.g. SAP, etc
  4. Processes of military disengagement

Part 3: Jamb syllabus for Government - Foreign Policy and Nigeria Relationship with the International Community

Foreign Policy and Nigerian Relationship with the International Community
  • Foreign policy: - Definition, purpose, determining factors; formulation and implementation
  • Nigeria's Foreign Policy:
  1. Relations with major powers;
  2. Relations with developing countries, e.g the Technical Aid Corps (TAC), etc
  3. Nigeria's Non-Alignment Policy
  • Nigeria's Relations with African Countries:
  1. Africa as the 'centre piece' of Nigeria's foreign policy - guiding principles, implementation and implications;
  2. NEPAD - Origin, objectives and implications
  • Nigeria in International obranizations:
  1. The United Nations;
  2. The Organization of African Unity;
  3. The African Union;
  4. The commonwealth;
  5. The Economic Community of West Africa State (ECOWAS);
  6. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Part 4: Jamb syllabus for Government - International Organizations

4. International Organizations
  • International Organizations:
  1. ECOWAS;
  2. OAU, AU;
  3. Commonwealth;
  4. OPEC;
  5. UNO;
  6. African Petroleum Producers Association;
  • Origin, objectives, structure, functions, achievements problems and prospects of these organization

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