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WAEC(WASSCE) result checker - how to check waec result

Aug 7 2024 3:40:00 PM



How to check WAEC(WASSCE) result and related

Hi scholar, Landing on this post, I can sincerely guess how anxious you could be. (smiles). You see one of Newton's laws says "To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction". This law is very true and its applicable in all spheres of life. Whatever you do has result and implication. The result might be bad or it might be positive but just be conscious of that.
If you are a fan of poscholars, you would have seen a post where I encouraged you to study each topic in the waec syllabus I made available. Now is the time for you to reap what you have sown. Did you actually put in your best or you were nonchallant about it? we would soon know.
Probably you have been wondering on how to go about checking your WASSCE result, whether for private or schools, I Am glad to tell you that your mission is accomplished. We understand how you might have put in your best in the exam. Now your anticipation cannot wait any longer.
In this Post I deemed it fit to walk you through how you can check your result via the waec result checker. Lets go through the table of content below. Some topic might be of interest to you too. without further ado, let jump into the business that brought you here.
Table of Contents
  1. What is "waec result checker? Schools and private candidate"
  2. Information about WAEC(WASSCE) result checker pin, serial number, scratch card
  3. Information I need to check my WAEC result
  4. Step by step approach on how to check your waec result online
  5. How to check WAEC result through SMS

What is "waec result checker? Schools and private candidate"

The "WAEC result checker" is an online space proveded by WAEC as a body to ensure students who participated in the WASSCE exam check their exam (private or schools). After the exam, the marking of scripts is handled by examiners appointed by WAEC. They are usually educationists who are familiar with the classroom situation and their identities are usually revealed to the public. Please be informed that the information available to you on the WAEC result checker (WAECDIRECT) are:
  1. WASSCE for school candidates results
  2. WASSCE for private candidates - First Series results
  3. WASSCE for private candidates - Second Series results
    What this means is that if you fall under the category of any of the three aforementioned then, you can use the WAECDIRECT service to check your result. It doesn't matter if you are a school candidate or a private candidate. You see, by default, WAEC usually make its result available 45 days after the last paper. That does not mean the result cannot be ready before or after the set time.

Information about WAEC(WASSCE) result checker pin, serial number, scratch card

To make you informed about some information you must know before you check your result, I would like to consider the following headings below
What is a e-PIN?
Answer: The e-PIN stands for Electronic Personal Identification Number. In WAECDIRECT website, it is a unique 10-digit or 12-digit number that is required to check your result. The e-PIN enables direct access to a candidate's results via multiple channels. The e-PIN is found in a valid WAEC Voucher/scratch card
Where can I buy an e-PIN?
Answer: An Electronic PIN may be purchased at the National office of WAEC and at any of its Zonal and Branch Offices across Nigeria. From time to time it may become available at any other outlets so designated by WAEC. The reviewed price for the e-PIN is N1,500 although it is subject to change
How many times can I check my results?
Be informed that you can only check your result up to a maximum of 5 (five) times with the use of 1 (one) e-PIN. In order to check further after exhausting the allowed 5 (five) times, you will need to purchase another e-PIN which will entitle you to another 5 (five) result checks.
Can I use one e-PIN to check more than one result?
No! WAEC mentioned that may only use one e-PIN Voucher to check one result. To check another result of interest, you will require a new e-PIN Voucher. If you misuse a e-PIN Voucher by attempting to check another result different from the first one checked, you will be penalised as having used the e-PIN, and will be presented with the appropriate error message.
can the Result checker e-PIN Voucher bought in the previous year be used to check result of the current year ?.
A result checker e-PIN Voucher purchased in a previous year is still valid for use in the next year but note you can only use one e-PIN Voucher to check one result. To check another (different) result, you will require a new e-PIN Voucher
I made a mistake by inputting a wrong exam number while trying to check my result and it displayed a result that is not mine. Can I use the same result checker e-PIN Voucher to check my result now that I have my correct exam number?.
You can only use one e-PIN Voucher to check one result. To check another result of interest, you will require a new e-PIN Voucher. If you misuse an e-PIN Voucher by attempting to check another result different from yours, you will have to purchase another one to check your result.

Information I need to check my WAEC result

Before you check your WAEC result, whether private or schools, you need to have some information in handy. Only those who participated in the WAEC examination can have possess such information. The screenshot of WAEC homepage below will tell you the information you need to provide before you check your result

Looking at the image above, we can see that the information we before we can check the wassce result are:
  1. Examination number
  2. Examination year
  3. Type of examination e.g private candidate result
  4. pin
  5. Serial number

Step by step approach on how to check your waec result online

  1. You can choose to enter your 10-digit WAEC Examination Number (private or schools) (This is your 7-Digit centre number followed by your 3-digit candidate number eg. 2343456013).
    Note: For examination year < 1999, enter your 8-digit WAEC Examination Number. (This is your 5-Digit centre number followed by your 3-digit candidate number eg. 19865001)
  2. Next, enter the 4 digits of your Examination Year eg. 2024
  3. Select the Type of Examination
  4. Enter the e-PIN Voucher Number on the scratch card
  5. Enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your e-PIN (also known as serial number)
  6. Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up
    Voila!! you can see your result on the screen. Do well to tell us your result in the comment section below

How to check WAEC result through SMS

There is another update on how to check your Waec result via sms. The steps are as follows:
  1. Send SMS in the format below: WAEC/ExamNo/PIN/ExamYear To short-code 32327 (MTN, Airtel & Glo subscribers)
  2. For example: WAEC/4250101001/123456789012/2024 Note: Ensure you adhere strictly to the format above. There should be no space in the message. Wait for your result to be delivered to your phone via SMS. (SMS Cost N30 Only)
  3. Wait for your result to be delivered to your phone via SMS. (SMS Cost N30 Only)

I recommend you check my Posts on the following:

- WAEC (GCE) registration 2024 starting date, closing date, WAEC (GCE) form price and Waec updates
- WAEC and WASSCE Examination - what you should know
- Download WAEC (WASSCE) syllabus in pdf for all subject | Waec(waec gce) timetable download
This is all we can share on “WAEC(WASSCE) result checker - how to check waec result“.


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Imran rashidat olabisi Says:

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 21:03:44 GMT

I want to check my weac

Imran rashidat olabisi Says:

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 21:08:02 GMT

I want to check my weac

Imran rashidat olabisi Says:

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 21:08:25 GMT

I want to check my weac

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