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How to graduate with a first-class degree

Dec 20 2023 1:31:00 PM

John Philip

General Updates,Study Guide

How to graduate with a first-class degree

Leaving secondary school and passing your school leaving exam is a great achievement. The plan to enter a tertiary institution like the university is a greater ambition. Entering university has the greatest task among all that I have mentioned. If you have gotten admission into a university, you should be ready to make some sacrifices so that you can come out with flying colors.
For those that are already in university, it is time to buckle up and start reading wide and learning new things according to the scope of your lecturer. Becoming a first-class graduate has a price to pay just like there is always a price attached to a product that you derived satisfaction from. The desire to come out with first class is present but the question is if you are willing to make the sacrifice by doing the following which are;
  • Reading
  • Studying
  • Isolating yourself to have enough time for your books
  • Stop or reduce partying
  • Limiting association with friends
  • Spending more time thinking about things
  • Focusing on your goals and having less fun.
Reading all this, you might be thinking that it is an easy task but it is not. I assure you it is a very difficult task to perform. If you are able to do all this, you are on your way to becoming a first-class graduate
Let's forget you need to be able to read and understand all your courses as you study. If you find it difficult to read and understand I will recommend you check my article on how to read and understand.
Check it out ninety-five percent (95%) of first-class all made sacrifices one way or the other by denying themselves of some things. This is the main reason one needs to be focused and determined to achieve one’s goal which is to graduate with first class.
However, there are some factors that can determine if you might graduate with a first-class or not. The main factors are;

1. Yourself

This includes all the efforts that you make to achieve your goal. The effort in the amount of time spent on reading, thinking, studying, and all other sacrifices you have made. It is not only reading that determines the outcome of grades, solving real-life problems also help.
When you solve real-life problems, your brain would be broadened to think deeply and faster and this can help in answering exam questions on paper. Your personal effort takes fifty percent (50%). The necessity for your personal effort can’t be over-emphasized. So, I implore you to increase your personal effort to achieve this goal.
However, it is crucial you also learn to be time cautious when writing exams. A lot of people fail exams not because they don't know the answers to the questions, but because they weren't fast enough to attempt them before running out of time.
I implore you to check on an article on how to write and finish exams on time.

2. The lecturers in your department

Lecturers! Funny right? The lecturers in your department also determine your fate for the quest of first class. Some universities with strict lecturers who did not graduate with first class do not want others to graduate with first class.
This is the reason why you need to make inquiries and research about the university and the department you are heading to so that you won’t be entangled in this kind of situation. Some lecturers are kind also and some are funny. It would be better if someone is neither close nor distant from the lecturer except you know the lecturer too well in person.

3. Nature of the university

The university also affects the student. A university that encourages people to first class is likely to produce more first-class graduates than a university that does the opposite. Some universities encourage first-class graduates by assisting them, giving them reasonable cash prices, giving them jobs, and so on. Note that not all university does that. Some do not even recognize first-class graduates. This is the more reason why I implore you to make research about a university before applying.

4. Other things you can do

Set and draft out your plans for each semester- Things like how far ahead you should be in class in terms of topics. Reading and learning new courses on your own before you are taught in class can be implemented. You can also go to night classes to read.
Surround yourself with friends or groups that share the same ideas and goals as you. When I mentioned groups I was not talking about cults but productive groups.
Also, you could take online courses in school so as to get a full comprehension of the topic being taught. Check my article on what you need to know as regards online schooling.

Benefits of that first class graduate receive

  1. They are given preferential treatment by industries and organizations.
  2. They have scholarship opportunities to study for masters.
  3. They are well respected in interviews.
  4. It is easier for a first class to get a good job.
  5. They are usually productive.

I recommend you check my article on the following:

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Odey Isaac Says:

Sat, 22 Apr 2023 04:24:42 GMT

Thank you this day time I needed this most

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